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Jobholders in this unit group manage, coordinate and technically supervise specific IT projects and programmes of a discrete duration and/or budget.


  • Works with client or senior management to establish and clarify the aims, objectives and requirements of the IT project or programme
  • Plans the stages of the project or programme, reviews actions and amends plans as necessary
  • Coordinates and supervises the activities of the project/programme team
  • Manages third party contributions to the programme or project
  • Monitors progress including project/programme budget, timescale and quality
  • Coordinates and oversees implementation of the project or programme
  • Reports on project or programme to senior management and/or client.

Entry Requirements

Entrants usually possess a degree or equivalent qualification, although entry with other academic qualifications and/or significant relevant experience is possible. There is a variety of relevant vocational, professional and postgraduate qualifications available.

What could I earn?

Salaries for this occupation tend to start at £43,000 per annum and can progress up to £62,000 per annum.

Is it in growth or decline?

There are currently 6,810 employed IT Project & Programme Managers in the region.

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