
Velocity LogoBoosting Career GoalsBuckinghamshire New University

What is Velocity?

Experience a fun and dynamic day collaborating with peers, shaping ideas and presenting them to employers for valuable feedback. Imagine a combination of Dragon’s Den & The Apprentice, but with cushions! Enhance your work readiness skills in just one day to boost your career goals; it will be a day you will never forget, for all the right reasons!

Why are we running this event?
BCG Study Programme students develop their work readiness skills as part of their learning programme to support the next steps in their career journey. Buckinghamshire has the largest proportion of microbusinesses in England which makes it harder to connect students with employers. Velocity accelerates this process by connecting employers and students in a supportive, exciting and innovative way, creating new opportunities for work experience, networking and even job offers! At BCG we are ambitious for our students to achieve more than they ever thought they could. At Velocity, each student should feel like a VIP for the day.

What are the BCG Work Readiness Skills?
Employers across Buckinghamshire have identified seven key Work Readiness Skills that they look for in their employees. To help our students have the edge when it comes to getting the best jobs, we have incorporated the development of these skills into the design of our curriculum. At Velocity, our students boost the development their work readiness skills through overt recognition of their strengths and areas for development and developing confidence to get out of their comfort zones. They will learn how to network with employers and climb the Work Placement Ladder in a fun and supportive environment.

Work Readiness


Who is in scope?
Velocity is aimed at Level 3 Study Programme Students. Those who do not have a work placement as a mandatory part of their vocational or technical qualification will be prioritised. Velocity is also suitable for some Level 2 Study Programme students. The event will be inclusive and students with additional needs will be supported appropriately.

Where will it be held and when?
Velocity will be held at the stunning new £20m Atrium space at Buckinghamshire New University, Wycombe campus. Each student will attend just one of the days. We will have groups of students from different curriculum areas for each of the days. See the table below for more details.


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Date Coach departs College at: Coach returns to College at: Groups
AM = Amersham Campus
AY = Aylesbury Campus
WY = Wycombe Campus
Tuesday 19 November 08:45/09:00  17:00 Level 3 Media AM
Level 2 Construction AY
Level 3 Construction AY
Level 2 Motor Vehicle AY
Level 3 Care AY
Wednesday 20 November 08:45/09:00 17:00 Level 3 Business AM
Level 3 Music AM
Level 3 Business (Events) AY
Level 3 Public Services AY
Thursday 21 November 08:45/09:00 17:00 Level 3 Art & Design AY
Level 3 Business/Psychology/Law Year 2 AY
Level 3 Games Design AY
Level 3 Sport AY
Friday 22 November 08:45/09:00 17:00 Level 3 Forensic Science WY
Level 2 Motor Vehicle WY
Level 3 Care WY
Level 3 Art AM

  • How much will it cost?

    It should not cost anything additional for students to attend. Transport by coach from college to and from the venue will be provided. A packed lunch (sandwiches, crisps, cake and a drink) for all participants will be provided at the venue and dietary requirements will be catered for if indicated in advance on the consent form. It is a professional environment and experience and therefore ‘business attire’ is expected. The College will help students source smart clothes in advance if they do not have anything appropriate to wear. Other support or medical needs can also be indicated on the consent form. If students find it easier to make their own way to and from the venue, this will also need to be included on the consent form.

  • What should I wear?

    Please dress like you are going to a job interview to make a positive impression and show respect to the employers and event. ‘Business attire’ would include:

    • Trousers or a knee length skirt/dress - not jeans or joggers.
    • A shirt or smart top – not a t-shirt or hoodie, and no slogans or brands.
    • Shoes or boots – not trainers. Smart black trainers would be acceptable.
    • Clean and tidy hair
    • Appropriate jewellery and make-up

    If you're not sure, just ask your Progress Coach or Course Leader for guidance. If you don't have some or any business attire items, College will help you. Just let us know on your consent form.

  • What do I need to bring?

    • Notebook
    • Pen
    • Mobile phones - acceptable for research or use in breaks only.
    • Medication if required
    • An open mind!

  • Does attending Velocity count towards work experience and industry placement hours?

    Yes, you can count the eight-hour day at Velocity towards your work experience and industry placement hours. Attending will accelerate your work readiness and will look great on your CV and/or university application.

  • What will I be expected to do?

    When you arrive at the venue you will join other BCG students in the Atrium. You will collect your name badge and head to your table. On the table will be eight students from a mix of courses, plus one staff member who will stay with this group all day. The day will be fun and fast-paced, directed by our Facilitators Clare and Angela. In your group you will think about a problem in your daily lives, come up with ideas for a product that might solve that problem, and with input from employers develop the concept into a business plan. This business plan will then be pitched to the employers for feedback. There will be plenty of prizes and surprises along the way!

  • What if I am anxious about the event or have individual support needs?

    Don't worry, we know that for some, an event like this may be daunting. We have thought about which staff will be available to support you, quieter spaces that might be required and we are very experienced in adapting to meet individual needs. We will ask you to get out of your comfort zone sometimes because that's how we learn and grow but will be on hand to support you all the way. Please just talk to your Progress Coach or Course Leader if you have any questions or concerns.

  • What do I need to do to be able to go?

    You will be invited through your college email address and communication will also go to parents/carers if you are under 18. If you have been invited it is because your tutors have said you need to attend. Attendance at the event is mandatory unless there is a valid reason, or you have specifically not been sent an invite. Those not invited may already be completing high hours of work placements due to their specific qualifications, or perhaps the event is not suitable for you at this time.

You or your parent/guardian must complete the consent form by Monday 21 October 10.00am to secure your place. This online consent form will be emailed to students and parent/carers.

Please let This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. know if you would like a paper copy of the consent form to take home for parent/carers to sign.

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