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Job holders in this unit group perform a variety of technical support functions to assist production, process and planning engineers with production programmes and schedules and with manufacturing and processing procedures in order to ensure accuracy, cost-effectiveness and efficiency.


  • Supports planning and production engineers in assessing existing and alternative production methods
  • Works from, and helps implement, professional engineers’ drawings and specifications for equipment and layout, and helps implement modifications required for existing plant machinery/layout
  • Works with engineers on production control methods to monitor operational efficiency and helps to eliminate potential hazards and bottlenecks in production
  • Liaises with materials buying, storing and controlling departments to ensure a steady flow of supplies
  • Supports professional engineers in reviewing safety, quality, accuracy, reliability and contractual requirements
  • Supports implementation of plans of sequence of operations and completion dates for each phase of production or processing
  • Ensures implementation of inspection, testing and evaluation methods for bought-in materials, components, semi-finished and finished products
  • Ensures accuracy of manufacturing and testing equipment
  • Ensures effective completion and implementation of detailed instructions on processes, work methods and quality and safety standards for workers.

Entry Requirements

Entrants to training usually possess GCSEs/ S grades. Vocational training consists either of full-time study for a BTEC/SQA National award followed by two years on-the-job training, or an apprenticeship leading to an NVQ/SVQ at Level 3.

What could I earn?

Salaries for this occupation tend to start at £28,000 per annum and can progress up to £74,000 per annum.

Is it in growth or decline?

There are currently 3,755 employed Planning, Process & Production Technicians in the region.

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