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Moulders, core makers and die casters make sand, loam and plaster moulds and cores for casting metal and pour or inject molten metal into dies by hand or machine.


  • Positions moulding frame over pattern, fills it with sand, loam, or plaster and compacts by hand or machine
  • Transfers mould unit to oven for baking or hardens by injecting carbon dioxide
  • Separates mould from pattern and repairs damage or imperfections in mould surfaces
  • Applies refractory bonding solution to moulds and dies to prevent molten metal fusing with sand
  • Fits cores in mould to form hollow parts in casting
  • Prepares casting pit with vents to allow the escape of gases, scoops molten metal from furnace using ladle and pours it into die or die casting machine.

Entry Requirements

Entrants typically possess GCSEs/S grades or have relevant practical experience. Training is by apprenticeship including practical experience and technical training. Apprenticeships in Engineering Material Processing at NVQ/SVQ Level 3 are available.

What could I earn?

Salaries for this occupation tend to start at £25,000 per annum and can progress up to £29,000 per annum.

Is it in growth or decline?

There are currently 0 employed Moulders, Core Makers & Die Casters in the region.

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