
The Department of Education has recently announced the continuation of funding to support students whose learning was disrupted as a result of the COVID pandemic.

This 16-19 Tuition Fund is available to all 16 to 19 providers such as Buckinghamshire College Group and is ring-fenced for 16 to 19 small group tuition only. The funding can be used to support small group tuition for 16 to 19 students in English, maths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted.

Small tuition groups of no more than five students will be designed to help students to move forward with their studies and make sure they have all the skills needed for long term success. The sessions will be outside of student normal timetables.

This support will be available in two ways:

Support for English and Maths

Students in need of support will be encouraged to sign up for sessions that will be offered in the morning, lunchtime or at the end of the day. Tutors will also be working to identify students and their specific needs and refer onto the small group catch-up sessions.

The team will then look at the needs required of every student, creating tailored plans to provide on-going tuition, focussed support and feedback.

Subject specialism catch-up

Tutors for other subject areas will also be working to identify those who are falling behind, potentially falling behind, or lacking the sufficient practical skills required to thrive in their chosen subject area.

Once identified, we will identify a suitable specialist to provide catch-up tuition or the teachers will provide additional tailored support beyond the normal curriculum provision.

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