
Learning Support is a support service for students with a range of additional needs. We can provide additional support for you if you have a learning difficulty, disability, medical condition, literacy, numeracy or language need. It's available to all students subject to assessment and agreement of need and resources.

How we support our students

We can provide support in a variety of ways:

  • In-class assistance
  • Out-of-class additional sessions
  • Specialist equipment
  • Adapted learning materials
  • Break and lunchtime support
  • Exam Support
  • Individual adaptations

We work with students with a range of additional needs:

  • Specific learning difficulties such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Autism.
  • Physical and Sensory Disabilities
  • Moderate Learning Difficulties
  • Medical Conditions
  • Mental Health Conditions

Levels of Support

The support we offer will be different for every person and will depend on individual needs. Criteria for support depend on the degree of need and evidence of a learning difficulty or disability. Your support will be regularly reviewed and may be increased or reduced during the year.

See our Local Offer for students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities

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