Our Student Services Team can advise and assist you with financial problems, home troubles, accommodation or issues relating to your course.
Child Explotations & Online Protection Centre
The NCA’s CEOP Command is here to help children and young people. We are here to help if you are a young person and you or your friend (up to age 18) has been forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity with anyone online, or in the real world. We also have advice and links to support for other online problems young people might face, such as cyberbullying and hacking. Visit our Safety Centre for advice and to report directly to CEOP, by clicking on the Click CEOP button.
Safeguarding Young People and Vulnerable Adults
Problems outside College can mean that some students may have difficulty doing all that is expected on their courses as well as being fully involved in College life.
We recognise our responsibilities for the protection of young people and vulnerable adults. Our staff and volunteers are all aware of protection issues and your safety and well-being will always be placed first. We take any allegation of abuse seriously and treat it in accordance with College policy and procedures. We can also put you in touch with people who can provide more specialised help.
Safeguarding looks at keeping children, young people and adults safe from a wide range of potential harm and looks at ways of preventing harm as well as acting to stop it.
PREVENT is about supporting all our students and help to stop them from becoming involved in any form of extremist and/or terrorist activities.
You can find and download our Safeguarding and PREVENT on our Policies and Procedures page.
Confidential Helpline
We care about your welfare and safety. If you have any worries about yourself or someone at the College we would welcome your call. The information will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
Confidentiality will be maintained as far as possible. You can expect that information revealed in confidence with a member of staff is not divulged to a third party, except in situations where significant harm may come to you or others.
Tutors and other staff cannot guarantee confidentiality in the following circumstances:
- A student reveals information that leads a member of staff to believe that the student or others are at risk of 'significant harm'.
- A student reveals information that leads a member of staff to believe that the student or others are implicated in serious criminal activity.
Sexual Health
The College provides free sexual health screening and advice in a confidential setting, run by the Terrence Higgins Trust. No appointments required - simply drop in. Days and times will vary between campuses.
The College is also registered as part of the Buckinghamshire 'C Card' Distribution Scheme (for under 25 year olds) which gives young people access to free condoms. Pregnancy Testing and Chlamydia Testing will also be available from trained staff.
For more information on the service:
All religious perspectives and beliefs are respected and valued at the College.
We have students from a diverse group of beliefs including Christian, Muslims Baha'i, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and Sikhs. As well as students who hold no religious beliefs. All religions are welcome at the College.
Support and Guidance
Downloadable guides and leaflets aimed to provide information, guidance and support, please click on the relevant link below to download: