

In March 2021 we announced that we were exploring the possibility of a modern, purpose-built campus for technical, professional and vocational skills, education and training in the centre of Wycombe.

Those plans remain at an early stage but if the development goes ahead we will be relocating the activities currently delivered at Flackwell Heath and Amersham there.

We have agreed to acquire neighbouring sites in Oxford Road and Brook Street in Wycombe for the new campus, but the proposals are still subject to planning permission being granted and the College raising the funding necessary to complete the project.

If all goes smoothly the earliest we would anticipate opening the new Wycombe campus would be Autumn 2024.

If the new Wycombe town centre campus is to go ahead we anticipate raising the cost of the development from the sale of the Amersham and Flackwell Heath sites along with other grants and funding sources.

newHWcampus map

Proposed new High Wycombe campus location

Any redevelopment of the Amersham and Flackwell Heath campuses will be subject to the usual planning permissions and policies in force for those locations.

We have been looking at all options for the future of the Amersham and Flackwell Heath campuses, whether the Wycombe town centre campus goes ahead or not. This follows an extensive review of the condition and use of those existing campuses. Demographic studies have shown that the demand for college places is shrinking in Amersham and Chesham while it is growing quickly in High Wycombe.

Every year we have a thriving community of more than 5,000 students across our estate who deserve the very best facilities we can provide, in the locations where they need them, and which enable them to get the very best standards of teaching, learning and training.

We have a Big Bucks ambition to provide inclusive vocational, technical and professional skills education and training that is high quality, cost effective and provides progression into employment, apprenticeships, further and higher education. In order to achieve this ambition our business plan is to invest in providing the best industry standard learning spaces, facilities, resources and technology possible using resources wisely, efficiently and effectively to build a sustainable future.


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