
Last week, our Beauty Therapy students welcomed a number of local companies to our Aylesbury Campus to speak about potential career opportunities they’ll have once they finish College.

The students were joined by Guinot, Cliveden House and Spa and London Wellness Academy; all of which took the time to outline the incredible opportunities available to them once they finish College. The three employers went into detail about the type of employee that they are looking for and the characteristics that make someone within the industry a desirable candidate. There was a focus on maintaining professionalism, developing the skills that they are taught at college and getting experience to better those skills, ready for the world of work.

Kate White, Beauty Therapy Tutor said,

Today has been fantastic. We’ve had Guinot, London Wellness Academy and Cliveden, who have come in to talk to the students today. The event was organised to look at Industry links, and get the students used to what’s actually happening in the Industry and what they need to do to be work-ready by the time they leave college.

I think [the students] have learnt about Industry standards. We are very strict with them in the classroom environment for appearance standards; what they need to wear, what they need to look like, how they need to act and what the professional standards are. So, it’s really interesting for professionals to come in and explain to them what they need to do to be in that salon environment and how to be work-ready.

Kate Finch, Recruiter at London Wellness Academy said, 

Hopefully, [the students] have taken away that this is another option that they have once they’ve completed their course at college. Alongside all the other routes that they can take, this is just another opportunity and something that they can keep in the back of their mind while their studying.

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We would like to thank Guinot, Cliveden House and Spa and London Wellness Academy for attending the event and speaking with our students. Events like these are invaluable asw they help motivate and encourgage students wanting to enter into the industry once they finish College. 

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