
Level 2 apprenticeship standards are the first level of the apprenticeship standards. Level 2 apprentices work full time with an employer and spend time studying towards the standard with the College. Level 2 apprenticeships are designed to train a school leaver for work. There is a focus on imparting key employability skills, as well as more specific training for a job within a company.

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Course Details

Qualification Level Level 2
Study Mode Apprenticeships
Start Date September
Duration 130 Weeks
Course Code WST2MOTO-1
Runs at

Aylesbury Wycombe

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About Tuition Fees

All 16-18 year old students on full time study programmes are fully funded and are not required to pay fees*.

Do I have to pay?

How do I pay my fees?

Read our fees policy

All course information and details are subject to change. 
*Some leisure courses are full cost and fees will apply to all age groups.

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