
Back in November 2021, our Entry 3 Foundation Learning Students took part in Parliament Week. UK Parliament Week is an annual event that engages people from across the UK with Parliament. The week in 2021 showed a focus on how small actions can lead to big changes.

After Lockdown, it was recognised that our students were unaware of how laws were made and how parliament was run. Our Foundation Learning tutors decided to reach out to the House of Commons who invited them to a Zoom call. The Students were joined with their tutors, Karen Weatherbee and Ann Marie Still to learn about Law and Democracy. Once Parliament Week came around, The House of Commons got in contact with our Foundation Learning tutors asking if the students would be willing to participate in the weeks events designed to engage people across the UK with Parliament and their elected representatives.

As a thanks, MP Rob Butler recognised the students and their desire to learn and wrote them a letter to congratulate them on taking part in the event. As well as this, The House of Commons also sent a certificate of Participation to the Group for them to display.

Parliament Week 2021


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