
Buckinghamshire College Group is delighted to celebrate the achievements of our students who received their GCSE results today. These results mark a significant improvement for many students, reflecting their hard work, perseverance and determination to succeed.

Students across our campuses gathered with anticipation this morning, as they opened their results envelopes to reveal their grades. The day was filled with smiles and sighs of relief as students discovered that their efforts had paid off, with many improving on their previous grades. The atmosphere was full of excitement as students celebrated their accomplishments alongside classmates and tutors who have encouraged them throughout their journey.

“We are incredibly proud of our students who have shown true resilience in tackling their GCSE resits” said Jenny Craig, Principal of Buckinghamshire College Group. “Improving a grade in subjects as crucial as English and Maths is no small feat, and these achievements are a testament to both the students’ dedication and the support they’ve received from our committed staff”.

Among the students celebrating today was Lucy, who achieved impressive results and couldn’t hold back her happy tears as she shared the joyful moment with her mum. 

These successes underscore the importance of providing students with the necessary guidance and resources to achieve their potential. Buckinghamshire College Group remains committed to offering tailored support to ensure every student can succeed.

“We recognise that these results are not just about numbers on a piece of paper; they represent new opportunities for our students to pursue their goals” added Jenny. “We look forward to continuing to support and inspire our students as they progress in their academic and professional journeys.”

Congratulations to all our students on their hard-earned success! The future is bright for our students, and we are excited to see where their journeys take them next.


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