
Our talented level 3 Art & Design students have successfully completed a vibrant mural project for Buckinghamshire New University, transforming three blank walls at the Aylesbury campus into eye-catching displays of creativity.

Commissioned by the University and led by course leader Vince Mealing, the murals were designed around the theme of sunflowers, a powerful symbol of growth, strength, and the journey towards equality and acceptance, particularly for individuals with mental and hidden disabilities.

Our students have been met with praise for their creativity and professionalism. Each mural was carefully designed to reflect both the identity of the campus and the creative vision of our students, turning once plain walls into an engaging and visually dynamic space for staff, students, and visitors alike.

Outline Mural  Completed In a World of Roses Wall

The initiative was spearheaded by Bucks New University Student Union President, Amy Pile, who envisioned the murals to bring life to a dull area near the Union’s desk, where students often engage with support services. Amy believed the sunflower, with its message of overcoming obstacles and flourishing in difficult conditions, would resonate with all students – whether or not they live with disabilities – and help raise awareness of disabilities across the campus.

Over a week, the students worked tirelessly to complete the murals, which have already received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Their work has not only enhanced the campus environment but also sparked important conversations about inclusion and the strength it takes to thrive, much like a sunflower blooming in harsh soil. This project highlights the students’ artistic talents and their ability to create meaningful art that engages and inspires the community.

Students in Painting Overalls  Student Starting to Paint Mural

Vince expressed his pride in the students’ work, noting, “this project was an incredible opportunity for our students to work on a real-world commission, putting into practice the skills they have developed throughout the course. The transformation of the space is remarkable, and the students should be proud of what they have achieved.”

The mural project not only demonstrates the students’ growing expertise in art and design but also strengthens the collaborative partnership between our college and Buckinghamshire New University. This project is one of many ways we aim to prepare our students for future success in the creative industries.

Thank You Card  Inside Thankyou Card

Congratulations to all of the students and staff involved for their hard work and dedication, we can’t wait to see what projects you tackle next!


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