
Students from both Aylesbury and Amersham celebrate as their End of Year Show comes to an end. 

A huge congratulations is in order for all those at our Aylesbury and Amersham Campuses that took part in the orgnaisation, preparation and hosting of our annual End of Year Shows. The End of Year Shows come as an opportunity for creative students across multiple courses and all levels to display their work for staff, students, Industry visitors and members of the public to admire. It is a celebration of their success and all the hard work they put into their course across the year. The shows also give students the chance to invite parents into College to see what they get up to throughout their course. 

The INNOVUS 2023 show from the Creative and Digital department at Aylesbury put on a great show, with over 230 guests on the night all suitably impressed by the student work.

Creative Week '23 at our Amersham Campus saw similar success, and had the honour of welcoming Amersham Town Mayor, Councillor Elizabeth Shepherd. 

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the Students and Staff  for their hard work and time spent to make these events such a great success, while also thanking all those that came along to show their ongoing support. 

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