Awarding body UAL have released a video of the UAL Origins Creative Arts Festival 2018. Buckinghamshire College Group, Level 3 Acting student Maia Cebula Mackenzie, won the Performing and Production Arts Award at the Festival for demonstrating exceptional commitment to her work.
Buckinghamshire College Group offers UAL courses across a range of creative subjects including Art, Performing Arts and Music. UAL specifically offer art and design based qualifications that are an alternative to A-Levels and a route to university.
UAL qualifications are graded similarly to BTEC qualifications in terms of awarding Pass, Merit and Distinctions and those grades are worth UCAS points. A UAL Extended Diploma is equivalent to 3 A-Levels, similar to the way in which BTEC extended diplomas are. The Diplomas have been designed in collaboration with leading art schools with a focus on learning, diagnosis and exploration.